Photography - Long Exposure

Photography ohh photography. Ever since i really want to know even basic on photography, i just love taking photos. I learned something new :) :) the long exposure. Now long exposure is kind of my thing, i love how it turns out beautiful, but a lot of things to consider in long exposure. I still want to learn. Below are the first long exposure i took in the busy street in Mall of Asia and in the Mall of Asia Bay Area!

Mall Of Asia
I know these photos isnt the best but i am happy to see this. It's my first time you know hehehe. 

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  1. how does long exposure affects the photo could you please explain it for me . Thanks in advance

    1. well long-exposure is like time-exposure, or slow-shutter photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. this is my first time so its not that good as a pro photographers hihi

  2. Pics really looks great and wonderfull

  3. I love long exposure photography! I just bought a new camera so I'm still working it all out but it looks nice!

  4. For your first long-time exposure photos there are great :) Mall of Asia? That's on the Philippines, right? I Have yet to go there (so miuch to see, so little time).
    Long-time exposure fotos are quite fun to make, whether it is waterfalls, lightstreaks by passing cars or astrophotography. I always carry a ND1000 filter with me on my travels for such photos during the day ;)

    1. Thank you :) yes its in the Philippines. I tried long exposure during day time in the waterfalls but it ddnt turn out good. it was all white. I am learning how to do it in day time. I have Nikon D700.

  5. Nice shots! I'm also playing around with long exposure at the moment too. Great for waterfalls!

  6. Great pictures. I'm also experimenting with long exposure at the moment. Great for waterfalls!

    1. yeah thank you. still learning how to use it on day time!


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